I want to create a web push notification in Php but I don't have the exact procedure for it. Following is the code I found, but it is not working.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Minishlink\WebPush\WebPush;
$subscription = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$auth = array(
'VAPID' => array(
'subject' => '`enter code here`',
'publicKey' => '**********',
'privateKey' => '***********',
$webPush = new WebPush($auth);
$res = $webPush->sendNotification(
Please suggest the correct steps.
I spent some time my self figuring this out. I'm posting the code as it works for me. Generate the keys from here https://web-push-codelab.glitch.me/
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
use Minishlink\WebPush\WebPush;
// array of notifications
$notifications = array(
'endpoint' => 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/abcd........', // Chrome
'payload' => 'Hello',
'userPublicKey' => 'BFHh..........',
'userAuthToken' => 'DI............',
$auth = array(
'GCM' => 'AAAAKTK8bp4..............', // deprecated and optional, it's here only for compatibility reasons
'VAPID' => array(
'subject' => 'Some Text', // can be a mailto: or your website address
'publicKey' => 'BGsm2vrV2AMpT.............', // (recommended) uncompressed public key P-256 encoded in Base64-URL
'privateKey' => 'a89H............', // (recommended) in fact the secret multiplier of the private key encoded in Base64-URL
$defaultOptions = array(
'TTL' => 300, // defaults to 4 weeks
'urgency' => 'normal', // protocol defaults to "normal"
'topic' => 'push', // not defined by default - collapse_key
$webPush = new WebPush($auth, $defaultOptions);
$vr = $webPush->sendNotification(
$notifications[0]['payload'], // optional (defaults null)
$notifications[0]['userPublicKey'], // optional (defaults null)
$notifications[0]['userAuthToken'], // optional (defaults null)
true // optional (defaults false)