On a MAC how do I GREP? I have a large TXT file (200MB). The sample data is below. I want to run a GREP with a regex and be able to get ONLY the following data values in my terminal response:
00424730350000190100130JEAN DANIELE &
I want everything up to 82700
. Once I have this information, I can copy it into another file for other purpose. Now I just get back tons of information.
Sample Record:
00424730350000190100130JEAN DANIELE & 82700 TINEPORK CT LAT BORAN AK 12345 3342843470224201400003980000002664300001216IWD QD0415200800004005880002281300000671IWD QM0330200500004900000001836800000431IWD QM0325199900002455270001147700000969IWD QM
sample Grep I wrote:
grep -E "^(.*?)82700" MYFILE.TXT
grep -E "^(.*?)[0-9]" MYFILE.TXT
This still doesn't work, it gives back tons of info and the 82700
can be any value...I would like it to be Any help suggestions? thank you