I want that the bars will be filled by the color gradient. Just to be clear, I don't mean to colored the whole bar with just one color based on the value and the gradient, like this:
scale_fill_gradient(low="green", high="red")
I mean gradient inside the bar itself, something like this:
What I'm trying to do is to create a kind of daily risk bar scale for 11 days and later on to add arrows to indicate the risk on each bar. It should look like this and I want that all the bars will be colored as the above bar pic.
lines <- data.frame(day=c("Today", "Tomorrow","Day 3","Day 4","Day 5","Day 6","Day 7","Day 8","Day 9","Day 10","Day 11"),
lines$a <- as.numeric(lines$a)
ggplot(lines, aes(x=reorder(day,-order),y=a, fill = a)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +