i want to delete file from my local system after successful send to ftp using batch file. for scheduling purpose i m using window scheduler. below is my code which is able to post to ftp.how to delete that successful send to ftp otherwise file shld not delete.
%windir%\system32\ftp.exe -s:%~f0
goto done
cd C:\
open Host Name
put user_input.csv
@echo off
if i will write delete here then it ll delete from remote server.pls suggest me how to do that using window ftp.exe
You need to redirect the output of the FTP command. Check for a succesful message and act upon it.
I can't provide an exact script, because it will depend on the FTP command you actually use, but the idea is like this.
echo open Host Name >%temp%\ftpin.txt
echo user_name >>%temp%\ftpin.txt
echo password >>%temp%\ftpin.txt
echo put user_input.csv >>%temp%\ftpin.txt
echo bye >>%temp%\ftpin.txt
ftp -n -s:%temp%\ftpin.txt >%temp%\ftpout.txt
for /f "tokens=* skip=9" %%a in (ftpout.txt) do (
if "%%a"=="226 Transfer complete." (
del user_input.csv
EDIT: You will have to adjust your BAT to the actual output of your FTP script. Probably you will need to change the "skip"
parameter of the FOR