I am trying to create a ListView of items and to be able to delete them. Here is my code. I can't get the list of items to display. I didn't find a simple example of binding ListViews so i can understand the exact concept. Can you tell me what am i doing wrong ?
PS. myListOfItems is a list with strings. The project is WP 8.1 WinRT.
public class MedClass
public string medName { get; set; }
public class MedClassRoot
public List<MedClass> medNames { get; set; }
public sealed partial class MedSavedPage : Page
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
MedClassRoot root = new MedClassRoot();
root.medNames = new List<MedClass>();
foreach (var element in myListOfItems)
root.medNames.Add(new MedClass {medName = element});
MedSaved_ListView.DataContext = root;
//MedSaved_ListView.ItemsSource = root;
<ListView DataContext="{Binding root}"
Width="380" Tapped="MedSaved_ListView_Tapped">
<StackPanel Height="30">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding medName}" FontSize="16"/>