I am trying to create a single cross tab that includes both filtered and non-filtered data. I understand that I could do this by creating separate cross tabs in separate groups, then using filter expert on the group level, but I need the results to displayed in the same cross tab. I believe a similar solution to this might work, but am unclear on the implementation:
Crystal Reports Cross-Tab Column Totals as Variables
I am attempting to report on the frequency of known customers and walk-in customers (given a set customer number).
I have created a report with a cross tab with the following values:
Rows: AR_CUST.STR_ID (gives store number)
Columns: PS_TKT_HIST_DAT (gives purchase date)
Summarized Fields:
DistinctCount of AR_CUST.CUST_NO (gives count of unique customer numbers)
DistinctCount of PS_TKT_HIST.TKT_NO (gives count of tickets)
Embedded Summary (gives ratio of unique customers to number of tickets)
This works exactly as it should.
We have one value of AR_CUST.CUST_NO that is used for walk-in customers (we don't retain customer information for purchases using this customer number). So I want to calculate two additional cross tabs with the same information. The first would exclude all entries in PS_TKT_HIST.TKT_NO when PS_TKT_HIST.CUST_NO equals *WI (that's not a wildcard, that's the exact entry in SQL). The second wouldn't exclude *WI records, but would count each instance of a ticket under the *WI customer number as a separate customer. To clarify that, in the second report, my embedded summary in the cross tab would be:
Is this possible by recording embedded summary values from the three cross tabs as variables, and then inserting those variables into a fourth crosstab?