I am using Spring AMQP for processing the messages in RabbitMQ.
Below is the issue:
1. (say) there are 3 messages in ready state inside RabbitMQ
2. First one is picked up by MessageListener and starts processing. (say) It ends up throwing an exception
3. In this case, the container remains up but the remaining 2 messages are not processed until i restart the container. Also the first messages stays in unacknowledged state.
Is it the expected behavior? If not, how to make sure that other 2 messages will be processed irrespective first one failed processing?
MQ configuraion:
<rabbit:connection-factory id="connectionFactory" host="localhost" username="guest" password="guest" />
<rabbit:admin connection-factory="connectionFactory" />
<rabbit:listener queue-names="testQueue" ref="myProcessorListener " />
MessageListener class:
public class MyProcessorListener implements MessageListener{
public void onMessage(Message message) {
...Some logic...
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);