
Django user permission inside template

2019-09-19 04:06发布


I created a custom auth permission in django via admin site, and i added that permission to a user (not a group), now i want to ask if the request user in a template has it but nothing works.It's not a duplicate, i already checked similar questions and none of this work:

{% if perms.auth.add_something %}

{% if 'auth.add_something' in request.user.get_all_permissions %}

{% if request.user.has_perm('add_something') %}

I add my view:

class NotificationSelectView(View):

    template = 'myapp/notification_read.html'

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        t = tree(request)
        req_var_list = []
        analist = notifications_list(request.user)
        level = LevelProcess.objects.get(
            level_hierarchical = 3
        subprocess= Process.objects.filter(level = level)
        user = request.user
           'subprocess': subprocess,
        return render(request, self.template, t)

The idea it's to make it inside template, not to use more code in views. Any ideas ?, thanks in advance.


django in template it uses the variable perms for the permissions of the logged in user so you can use inside template

{% if perms.auth.add_something %}
{% endif %}

from the django documentation there is a section Authentication data in templates which describes also permissions in templates