My intention is to add a patch at a specific coordinate in seaborn's lmplot
Is there anyway to add a rectangular/square patch to lmplot
I was able to get the plot printed out through sns.lmplot()
. But when I try to add the rectangular patch using ax.add_patch()
statement with relevant coordinate's, it error's out.
#Sample code to generate lmplot and add patch
ax= sns.lmplot('A', 'B', hue="group", data=res_me,fit_reg=False, \
palette="Set1",size=10, aspect=1, scatter_kws={"s": 100,"linewidths":2,"edgecolor":"black"})
ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0.912, 0.72), 1.02, .802,fill=False,edgecolor='green',lw=3))
I get the following error.
AttributeError: 'FacetGrid' object has no attribute 'add_patch'
So can we add patches to FacetGrid