I'm looking for 2 JS libraries for generating charts and PDFs. I've already tested some, but none of them has satisfied my needs so far.
I need to create several independent charts and tables in order to export all of them afterwards into 1 PDF.
What I already tried:
I have already tested highcharts and amcharts, but they don't seem to work the way I need them.
highcharts offers the possibility to create a chart and a table, showing the same data. So same input visualized differently.
Nobody could help me here.
With amcharts I could export multiple charts, but the problem with the tables remained the same: They only can display the same content in different ways.
Nobody could help me here.
Both libraries provide an own export function. However, when creating a custom HTML table (<table><tr>...
), I need to use an extern PDF library, in my case it was jspdf. That way I can export my custom tables, but the charts won't be exported properly anymore.
Here is a fiddle.
Does anybody know a way or another library, so that I can properly export multiple charts and tables into 1 PDF?