I am testing my Android app on a Samsung Galaxy Tab. When I open up the camera application on the tablet, I see that the possible resolutions you can set for the camera are:
- 2560 x 1920
- 2560 x 1440
- 2048 x 1536
- 2048 x 1152
- 1600 x 1200
- 1536 x 864
- 640 x 480
However, when I open up a camera instance in my Android app and fetch the supported preview sizes, I get the following resolutions:
- 1024 x 768
- 1280 x 720
- 1024 x 576
- 768 x 512
- 640 480
- 352 x 288
- 320 x 240
Why is there such a discrepancy in the supported resolutions? I want my custom camera activity to have a full screen camera, and I can't do it with resolutions that are smaller than the screen size (which my app says is 800 x 1344).
// fetch screen size
int width = metrics.widthPixels;
int height = metrics.heightPixels+navBarHeight;
Log.d(TAG, "screen width and height: " + width + " " + height);
// get supported preview sizes
Camera.CameraInfo cameraInfo = new Camera.CameraInfo();
cameraCount = Camera.getNumberOfCameras();
for(int camIdx = 0; camIdx < cameraCount; camIdx++){
Camera.getCameraInfo( camIdx, cameraInfo );
if(cameraInfo.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK){
try {
c = Camera.open(); // attempt to get a Camera instance
for(int i =0; i< c.getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes().size(); i++){
Size size = c.getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes().get(i);
Log.d(TAG, "supported preview size: " + size.width + " " + size.height);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Camera is not available (in use or does not exist)
} else if(cameraCount == 1 && cameraInfo.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) {
// device only has a front facing camera
try {
c = Camera.open(camIdx); // attempt to get a Camera instance
} catch (Exception e) {
// Camera is not available (in use or does not exist)