As I know we could setup iOS distribution as ad hoc, but how to remotebuild to build as distribution as in house ipa?
I follow the and didn't see any step to setup this workflow.
Cordova has started supporting packaging properties through "build.json" which you can add at the root of your project. The packaging document here, explains this for Android platform.
For iOS, you will have to refer to the same document to get the Code-Signing Identity (.CER) file and the Provisioning Profile (In house distribution). The you can add those into build.json as following properties:
"ios" : {
"release" : {
"codeSignIdentity" : "[complete path to downloaded .CER file]"
"provisioningProfile" : "[complete path to the downloaded provisioning profile]"
Let me know if you have problems with this.
SOak (PM - Microsoft)