Jython 2.7.0 “Final Release” on Windows - difficul

2019-09-19 02:35发布


I have a few projects which run using Jython 2.7b1 where I add the jars (in fact all the jars in a directory) by doing this:

set CLASSPATH=.;"%SYSADMIN%\resources\java jar files/*"
C:\jython2.7b1\jython myproj\__main__.py 

But my latest project is using 2.7.0FR and this "set CLASSPATH" approach doesn't seem to work. I then tried this:

D:\apps\jython2.7.0\bin\jython -Dpython.path="%SYSADMIN%\resources\java jar files/*" my_latest_proj\__main__.py

... but it didn't work. Then I wanted to see whether I could load an individual .jar:

D:\apps\jython2.7.0\bin\jython -Dpython.path="%SYSADMIN%\resources\java jar files\lucene-analyzers-common-4.6.0.jar" my_latest_proj\__main__.py 

This didn't work either: the following line

from org.apache.lucene.analysis.fr import FrenchAnalyzer

leads to the following error: "No module named apache"... nor is there any "unpacking" of the jar as you typically see with Jython the first time you use a jar.

Finally I tried this:

set CLASSPATH=.;"%SYSADMIN%\resources\java jar files\lucene-analyzers-common-4.6.0.jar"

... same thing: "No module named apache"

NB I have no trouble getting jars to work from within my project when running it under Eclipse.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?



1) It appears that with Jython2.7.0FR you have to use forward slashes in paths in the CLASSPATH, even in a Windows OS. This appears to be a change relative to 2.7b1...

2) I also seem to find that paths with spaces are to be avoided... previously I could enclose such a path in quotes and it would work OK. This seems not to work any more.

Any comments from the Jython "High Command" would be welcome...