I have a non-Bootstrapped locale selector in my otherwise generally Bootstrapped Rails 3 app that I want to Bootstrap-ify. I'm a bit stumped as to how to make an (I assume) unordered list in a form in a dropdown menu.
TL;DR Go to Edit 3 at the bottom of this question for the completed solution.
The current code is implemented in the following way:
# ...
# ...
%li= render 'layouts/locale_selector',
controller: controller,
action: action
# (controller, action params passed in from application.html.haml)
= form_tag({ controller: controller,
action: action },
method: 'get',
class: 'locale') do
= select_tag 'set_locale',
options_for_select(locale_languages, I18n.locale)
= hidden_field_tag 'page', params[:page] if params[:page]
= submit_tag 'submit'
module ApplicationHelper
# ...
def locale_languages
[t('locale_selector.en'), 'en'],
[t('locale_selector.it'), 'it'],
[t('locale_selector.ja'), 'ja']
# ...
.locale {
padding-top: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
margin: -0.25em;
#set_locale {
width: 85px;
height: 36px;
color: $grayLight;
border: none;
background: none;
text-align: center;
&:hover {
color: $white;
text-decoration: none;
$ ->
$(".locale input").hide()
$("#set_locale").change ->
By reading through the Bootstrap component documentation I've changed header.html.haml to the code below to get the drop-down list displaying how I want, but it's getting the content in the select_tag
, options_for_select
etc displaying/working correctly that I'm not sure about:
# ...
%a.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", href: "#"}
= t('.language')
= render 'layouts/locale_selector',
controller: controller,
action: action
I've tried to find info in the Bootstrap documentation on forms and by searching around StackOverflow and Google, but to no avail. I bet I'm missing something simple and/or trivial, but could any Bootstrap experts help me out?
Changed 2 files to get the drop-down looking nice, but it still doesn't submit yet...
module ApplicationHelper
# ...
def locale_languages
{ label: t('locale_selector.en'), locale: 'en' },
{ label: t('locale_selector.it'), locale: 'it' },
{ label: t('locale_selector.ja'), locale: 'ja' }
= form_tag({ controller: controller,
action: action },
method: 'get',
class: 'locale') do
- locale_languages.each do |language|
%li= link_to language[:label], '#', value: language[:locale]
= hidden_field_tag 'page', params[:page] if params[:page]
= submit_tag 'submit'
Edit 2
$ ->
$(".locale input").hide()
$(".locale").click ->
Now it submits, but all my original backend handling of the params[:set_locale]
in my ApplicationController
is broken (won't put the code here, but for the curious here it is), so the locale doesn't change. Need to try and get this to pass back a params[:set_locale]
Edit 3: The Completed Solution
Got rid of the form entirely, which I should have done in the first place as pointed out by @simbirsk and @quick_brown_fox. Many thanks, guys. Here is the final code:
# ...
# ...
%li= render 'layouts/locale_selector',
controller: controller,
action: action
# (controller, action params passed in from application.html.haml)
%a.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", href: "#"}
= t('.language')
- locale_languages.each do |language|
= link_to language[:label],
controller: controller,
action: action,
set_locale: language[:locale],
page: params[:page]
module ApplicationHelper
# ...
def locale_languages
{ label: t('locale_selector.en'), locale: 'en' },
{ label: t('locale_selector.it'), locale: 'it' },
{ label: t('locale_selector.ja'), locale: 'ja' }
Code mentioned above in app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap_and_overrides.css.scss and app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee was completely removed as it became superfluous.
Update: This seems to be getting a lot of views, so:
- You can find the full implementation of the locale drop-down, including the code in the controller here in the app I made for Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial