I've recently upgraded from VS2015 Professional Update 2 to VS2015 Enterprise Update 2. The process was rather buggy.
First I attempted to upgrade directly from Pro Update 2 to Ent Update 1, as that was the media I had. This provided all sorts of install errors.
C++ redistro install failed (version wrong),
Connected Services (package failed)
Azure Connected Services (package failed)
Eventually I completely uninstalled Pro & C++ redistros (x86 & 64), rebooted and installed a fresh copy of Enterprise. Installation went better as C++ didn't fail. However, it left me in the same boat, with this error every time I start the debugger.
I've tried everything I can find: - Unchecking "Enable the Visual Studio hosting process" - Many uninstalls and re-installs.
If I knew how to "disable debugging the failed type(s)" I would.
The only successful solution I've seen so far was: "I solved it! Reinstall windows and VS!"