When Hibernate (or another JPA implementation) creates foreign key for @OneToMany relationship, is there a way to force it to use ON DELETE CASCADE at the database level? I found that when I use CascadeType.DELETE, Hibernate doesn't do it at the database level, but sends two delete statements (for parent and child records) instead. Or maybe there's a good reason for that?
In hibernate, you can use
@OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
on your @OneToMany relationship. This tells hibernate to set ON DELETE CASCADE for the generated foreign key.
Note that this is a hibernate extension and is not specified in the JPA standard.
Use this with caution. When you let database cascade the deletes, these happen outside the control of hibernate so:
- Your second-level cache might become out of sync.
- You cant use on delete listeners on those entities.
I think you should only use this if you have a large collection and performance consideration forces you to let database handles the delete instead of hibernate.
They aren't the same thing. JPA Cascade traverses DOWN the object graph whereas database foreign key actions effectively traverse UP the object graph. For example let's say you have a one-to-one directional relationship
class House {
Object door;
If you use CascadeType.REMOVE then deleting the house will also delete the door.
Object door;
If you use @OnDelete then deleting the door will also delete the house.
@OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
Object door;
Read more here: http://www.ninthavenue.com.au/jpa-cascadetype-remove-vs-hibernate-ondelete