I have tried deploying my jhipster application in AWS Elastic BeanStalk by uploading the war directly. When the environment is created, i am getting this error.
[Instance: i-08f7c9efd8b2c5476] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1
Output: (TRUNCATED).../util/SystemPropertyUtils.class Failed to execute
'/usr/bin/unzip -o -d /var/app/staging
/opt/elasticbeanstalk/deploy/appsource/source_bundle' Failed to execute
'/usr/bin/unzip -o -d /var/app/staging
/opt/elasticbeanstalk/deploy/appsource/source_bundle'. Hook
failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
Please suggest me what to do next.
enter image description here
I have also tried using yo jhipster:aws command as per the documentation in the jhipster page.
What i am getting is Missing credentails Config .
my question is i have added credentials.properties file in the given loaction ~/.aws/credentials...
Means .aws/credentials/credentials.properties (file). is the file extension right and the folder structure right,.
Create S3 bucket
Error jhipster:aws
Missing credentials in config