How to redirect web page from a specfic page in Si

2019-09-18 17:47发布


In Sinatra, how to redirect a web page from a specific page?

require 'sinatra'

get "/A" do
    redirect '/B' 

get "/B" do 
    # if comes from A
    #     "IT COMES FROM A"    
    # else not from A
    #     "NOT FROM A , REDIRECT TO C"
    #     redirect '/C'
    # end

I want to learn how to do this?

Can I use JavaScript or HTML to do what I want to do?

Or, it must be done in Sinatra?

I tried this, but it keeps null ,

get "/B" do
    mypath = URI(request.referer || '').path
    if mypath == '/A'
      "hi i am b , u come from a"
      redirect '/C'


The information of the HTTP referrer can be retrieved via:


But if it is a redirect initiated by the server, it doesn't count as the referrer to the target page. In short terms:

If /A redirects to /B because the server told the client the page moved (status 302), the referrer is not /A but the page which linked to /A or nothing, if /A got requested directly.

To answer the question: You have to use client side redirecting in order to get your idea working. Javascript can do the trick (placed on /A):

<script type="text/javascript">window.location = '/B';</script>


You can check for the referrer path to do so


Better approach would be to pass some parameter in the query string and you can redirect based upon its presence.