echo before deleting file through batch file

2019-09-18 17:21发布


I am running something like

for %j in (c:\user\data) do if not %j == Important del %i

so that all files get deleted except this one Important however, before I run this I wanted to make sure that script will only delete which I meant to hence, I wanted to see the files being affected before I run so I tried using echo as

for %i in ("c:\user\data") do echo %i

but this does not seem working, I am expecting to see all the files in this directory so that I would be sure about the files being affected but I do not see anything, no error or anything. It just looks CMD opens and closes very fast. Can someone please help me..


You simply need to refer to the contents of the directory in your condition, rather than merely the directory itself. From command line:

for %i in (c:\user\data\*) do echo %i

And if you're doing it inside a batch file, then you need to add double percent signs for your loop variable:

for %%i in (c:\user\data\*) do echo %%i

More info on syntax here.


I managed to get your script to work like this:

cd "C:/user/data"

for /r %%i in (*) do (
    echo %%i