I've searched and tried many things for this, and I think maybe Im just doing it wrong.
I have a single page app that has very similar DOM pieces, differentiated only by the data that is fed in to them from a service. Each DOM piece has a different web service.
My HTML looks something like this
<div section="foo">
<li ng-repeat="item in collection">{{item.name}}</li>
<div section="bar">
<li ng-repeat="item in collection">{{item.cost}}</li>
The differences are more dramatic in my real example so no I cant just change 'cost' to 'name' and have them be identical.
I have a directive that looks like this:
angular.module("App").directive("section", ["BaseProvider", function(provider) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {},
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {
provider.query(attrs.section).success(function(response) {
$scope.collection = response; // ** pay attention to this line **
so, it calls the query method of BaseProvider, passing in the section attribute of the DOM element. so, "foo" or "bar" in my examples.
BaseProvider looks something like this:
angular.module("App").factory("BaseProvider", ["$http", function($http) {
var urls = {
foo: "/something/foo.v1.json",
bar: "/something/bar.v2.json"
return {
query: function(base) {
return $http.get(urls[base]);
this all works. what i'm running in to is the typical directive problem - it does not make it in time for the $apply
cycle and so when i do $scope.collection = response
inside of the directive, the collection IS set, but the DOM does not update.
so, I try to run $scope.$apply()
, but then I run in to the $digest in progress error.
i've tried the suggestions, but am still having a problem. i'm out of ideas at this point and maybe my hope to have a reusable directive and a single provider driving the whole thing isn't the way to go.
i had this all working using a FooCtrl and a BarCtrl but I was repeating myself so many times it just felt wrong.