I've made some waste code. After some mistakes I checkout latest commit. I expected to restart with any without any hitch. But building project now I receive the message:
Waiting for device.
Target device: samsung-gt_i8190n-47900693715f5036
Uploading file
local path: /Path/to/file.apk
remote path: /path/to/file/com.example
Local path doesn't exist.
(* I've removed complete local and remote path in this post ...)
Thus, when I try to sync project with gradle files, a new message from editor arrives:
Failed to refresh Gradle project 'NutriMondoProject'
Project is using an old version of the Android Gradle plug-in.
The minimum supported version is 0.7.0.
Please update the version of the dependency 'com.android.tools.build:gradle'
in your build.gradle files.
Search in build.gradle files
I feel like a fish out of water.