I have an app that is developed in xcode 4, I Have converted the project to xcode 5 which remained the xcode 4 design, did not adjust it to meet the xcode 5 20 px change and its working fine, yesterday I have received a mail from apple which content is -->
Make sure your apps work seamlessly with the innovative technologies in iOS 7. Starting February 1, new apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 5 and iOS 7 SDK. Learn more about building apps for iOS 7.
I entered the apple site and see this -->
User Interface - Elevate the content of your apps and make your user interface come alive on iOS 7. Adopt the new design to simplify and revitalize your app with clarity, translucency, and depth. UIKit allows you to incorporate realistic motion and transitions with new APIs that enable your user interface to respond to every touch and swipe by following the behaviors and physical constraints you define. Take advantage of powerful new text layout tools and dynamic type that respect the design principles of iOS 7.
should I have to change the design to be like other ios 7 design with the same bar color? should I start changing the UI and make new designs 480*320 and not 460*320 with black bar?
please help me I cant submit the app before 1/2