sub-id ref-id Name
1 1 Project 1
2 1 Project 2
3 2 Project 3
4 2 Project 4
sub-id ref-id log_stamp Recepient log_type
1 1 06/06/2011 person A 1
1 1 06/14/2011 person B 2
1 1 06/16/2011 person C 2
1 1 06/17/2011 person D 3
2 1 06/18/2011 person E 2
2 1 06/19/2011 person F 2
3 2 06/20/2011 person G 1
4 2 06/23/2011 person H 3
Name ref-id start_date Recepient latest_comment Recepient completion_date Receipient
Project1 1 06/06/2011 person A 06/19/2011 person F 06/17/2011 person D
Project3 2 06/20/2011 person G NULL NULL 06/23/2011 person H
log_type of 1 stands for start_date
log_type of 2 stands for latest_comment
log_type of 3 stands for completion_date
The Name of the project is just the name of the top-most name in the same group of ref-id
have tried this for now
;with T as (select
Table2 log.log_type
when 1 then '1'
when 2 then '2'
when 3 then '3'
end as title
Submission sb inner join submission_log log on Table1.[sub-id] = Table2.[sub-id]
select * from T
pivot (
for title IN ([1],[2],[3],[5],[6],[9],[11])