I followed a tutorial on making a multiple select tag mode in this link http://jsfiddle.net/dplanella/N6bQE/36/.
If I choose some value from the multiple select, how can I check if the I already select the data from the multiple select to be not shown once I open the multiple select again just like the link performed above?
How can I update the values to the database once I finish chose value/s from the multiple select just like the link performed above?DONEAdd new tag/s even the tag/s text are not in the source data (i.e: http://jsfiddle.net/dplanella/N6bQE/36/)
- To make a trello-like labels assigned at the selected tickets/tasks
make it updated at the once performed edit/choice of selection in the multiple select fieldDONE!Can delete labels and update the dbDONE!: Store the data via data ID when update or delete in this form: "1,2"
var items = [];
$.each(CACHE_ITEMS['cache_components'], function(i, item) {
items.push({value: item.id, text: item.name});
var cache_components = items;
url: function(params) {
var d = new $.Deferred();
var url = $(this).attr('data-custom-url');
if (url) {
$.post(API_URL + url, params, function(response) {
if (response.success) {
} else {
return d.fail('error message');
}).done(function() {
return d.promise();
} else {
return d.reject('error message');
source: function() {
return cache_components;
// showbuttons: true,
emptytext: 'None',
autotext: 'always',
select2: {
width: '150px',
multiple: true,
placeholder: 'Component/s',
// separator: ','
tokenSeparators: [" ", ","]
display: function(value) {
var val1 = [value].toString().split(",");
var val2 = val1.filter(function(val) {
if (val) return val }).join(",");
var val3 = val2.split(",");
// console.log(val4);
$.each(val3, function(i) {
$.each(cache_components, function(i2, varr) {
if (varr.id == val3[i]) {
val3[i] = "<span class='label label-primary'>" + $('<p>' + varr.text + '</p>').text() + "</span>";
$(this).html(val3.join(" "));
params: function(params) {
params.modified_by = USER_LOGGED_ID;
return params;
$('.components').on('shown', function() {
var editable = $(this).data('editable');
var value = editable.value;
var val1 = [value].toString().split(",");
var val2 = val1.filter(function(val) {
if (val) return val }).join(",");
var val3 = val2.split(",");
// console.log(val4);
$.each(val3, function(i) {
$.each(cache_components, function(i2, varr) {
if (varr.id == val3[i]) {
val3[i] = "<span class='label label-primary'>" + $('<p>' + varr.text + '</p>').text() + "</span>";
$('[id^="components-edit-"]').click(function(e) {
$('#' + $(this).data('editable')).editable('toggle');
Ticket.php: Model functions from API to display 'Components' content
public function getTicket($request) {
$param = $request->getParams();
$ticket = array();
$ticket_info = array();
if ($param) {
$id = $param['id'];
$cols = 't.*,s.name as status_name,s.color as status_color,tc.icon as category_icon,tc.name as category_name,tsc.name as subcategory_name,ts.name as severity_name,tsrc.name as source_name,a.dba, pa.id as `parent_account_id`,pa.dba as `parent_account`, c.name as `components_name`';
$this->db->join('ticket_categories tc', 'tc.id = t.category_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('ticket_subcategories tsc', 'tsc.id = t.subcategory_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('ticket_severities ts', 'ts.id = t.ticket_severity_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('ticket_sources tsrc', 'tsrc.id = t.ticket_source_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('ticket_status s', 's.id = t.ticket_status_id', 'INNER');
$this->db->join('ticket_components tcomp', 'tcomp.components_id = t.components_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->join('components c', 'c.id = tcomp.components_id', 'LEFT');
// Include parent_id of account
$this->db->join('accounts a', 't.account_id = a.id', 'INNER');
$this->db->join('(SELECT mgx.`id`,mgx.`dba`,mgx.`left`, mgx.`right` FROM`accounts` mgx ORDER BY mgx.`left` DESC) pa '
, 'pa.`left` < a.`left`AND pa.`right` > a.`right` ', 'LEFT');
$this->db->where('t.id', $id);
$this->db->where('t.is_deleted', 0);
$ticket = $this->db->getOne('tickets t', $cols);
//getting components name from db table 'components'
if ($ticket['components_id']) {
$component = $this->getTicketComponents($ticket['id']);
foreach ($component as $value) {
$components_id[] = $value['id'];
$components_name[] = $value['name'];
$components_project_id[] = $value['project_id'];
$components_components_id[] = $value['components_id'];
} else {
$ticket_info['Components'] = 'None';
$components_ids = implode(',', $components_id);
$components_names = implode(',', $components_name);
$components_project_ids = implode(',', $components_project_id);
$components_components_ids = implode(',', $components_components_id);
$ticket_info['Components'] = '<span class="components" id="components-editable-' . $ticket['id'] . '"
data-toggle="manual" data-type="select2" data-custom-url="ticket/update" data-pk="' . $ticket['id'] . '"
data-value="' . $components_components_ids . '" data-original-title="Enter components"></span><a href="javscript:void(0);" id="components-edit-' . $ticket['id'] . '" data-editable="components-editable-' . $ticket['id'] . '" class=""> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i></a>';
$ticket['ticket_info'] = $ticket_info; // where the label 'Components' and its contents are store to display at the view
echo json_encode($ticket);
public function getTicketComponents($request) {
if (is_object($request)) {
$param = $request->getParams();
$ticket_id = $param['ticket-id'];
} else {
$ticket_id = $request;
if ($ticket_id) {
$cols = array('c.*');
$this->db->join('components c', 'c.id = tc.components_id', 'LEFT');
$this->db->where('tc.ticket_id', $ticket_id);
if (is_object($request)) {
echo json_encode($this->db->get('ticket_components tc'));
} else {
return $this->db->get('ticket_components tc');
public function getComponents() {
$component = $this->db->get('components');
return json_encode($component);
View to display the label 'Components' and its content from the API Model
<table class="horizontal-list">
foreach ($ticket->ticket_info as $label => $value) {
echo '<tr><td>'.$label.':</td><td>'.$value.'</td></tr>';
Route to retrieve data from API
$app->group('/ticket', function () use ($app) {
$app->get('/test2', 'Ticket:getComponents');
Cached components data code (used at the javascript to get data from the API)
var CACHE_ITEMS = {};
CACHE_ITEMS['cache_components'] = <?php echo (Application::getCacheItem('cache_components', 'ticket/test2')) ?>;
Data returned in json format in getTicketComponents() function(code above)
// http://localhost/crm-api/public/v1/ticket/components?ticket-id=22081
"id": 1,
"ticket_id": 22081,
"components_id": 1,
"status": null,
"date_created": "2016-05-12",
"date_modified": "2016-05-12",
"created_by": 53,
"modified_by": 53,
"name": "back-office",
"project_id": 2
Data returned in json format in getComponents() function(code above)
// http://localhost/crm-api/public/v1/ticket/test2
"id": 1,
"name": "back-office",
"project_id": 2,
"status": null,
"date_created": "2016-05-12",
"date_modified": "2016-05-12",
"created_by": 53,
"modified_by": 53
"id": 2,
"name": "front-office",
"project_id": 2,
"status": null,
"date_created": "2016-05-12",
"date_modified": "2016-05-12",
"created_by": 53,
"modified_by": 53
I've implemented those codes with CodeIgniter 3.0 HMVC, jQuery, and a Slim Framework API for getting data. Apologies for the arrangements of codes and the grammar.
**[UPDATE]: ** I tried to implement this in jsfiddle and I apply my codes and the link I based above. And the result at this jsfiddle is the output what I am trying to achieve. More of my concern/problem are stated below and i update the javascript code:
Any help will heavenly appreciated. Thanks!