
Using .keyup function to filter auto complete

2019-09-18 10:00发布


Am using .keyup to filter my auto complete.

However it only allows me to enter the first digit. so if my data is "Apple"

when i type A - it shows Apple but i cannot type "AP" as the "P" disappears.

I was expecting that i can write the whole word rather than the first letter.


<input id="ac" /> <span></span>

var validOptions = "@Url.Action("SerialProdNumStockSiteAutoComplete", "Ajax")?stocksitenum=LW&model=" + $("#Form_Prod_Num").val();
previousValue = "";

            autoFocus: true,
            source: validOptions
        }).keyup(function () {
            var isValid = false;
            for (i in validOptions) {
                if (validOptions[i].toLowerCase().match(this.value.toLowerCase())) {
                    isValid = true;
            if (!isValid) {
                this.value = previousValue
            } else {
                previousValue = this.value;

This was working when i used dummy data, but when i changed this to url.action it only worked for the first letter rather than the whole word.

I do have a fiddle that works - however when i added my "URL.action" it only accepted the first letter. (There are about 5000 values)


In the fiddle, you're setting your available options as an array:

var validOptions = ["Bold", "Normal", "Default", "100", "200"]

if you take the result of your action (as called directly) and replace this into the jsfiddle, you'll get (taking from comment):

var validOptions = "B061030029,LL-XXX,"

or, depending on whether the quotes in the comment are included (unlikely):

var validOptions = ""B061030029,LL-XXX,"" 

either way, these aren't the same.

Use view-source in the browser to see what is being rendered by the Url.Action.

You can change your action to return the string:

"[\"B061030029\", \"LL-XXX\" ]";

which would then give:

var validOptions = ["B061030029", "LL-XXX"]

which matches the original options.

For neatness, you could do this with a PartialView and still continue to return the values from the action as a string list and format in the partial view rather than the controller.