我使用MIPS(QtSpim)隐蔽从大端到小Endian一个32位字。 我下面展示检查和纠正。 不过,我想知道还有什么其他的方法可以让我做转换。 我虽然只用旋转和变化,但我没能做到这一点没有逻辑运算。
li $t0,0x12345678 # number to be converted supposed to be in $t0
rol $t1,$t0,8
li $t2,0x00FF00FF # $t2 contains mask 0x00FF00FF
and $t3,$t1,$t2 # byte 0 and 2 valid
ror $t1,$t0,8
not $t2,$t2 # $t2 contains mask 0xFF00FF00
and $t1,$t1,$t2 # byte 1 and 3 valid
or $t3,$t3,$t1 # little endian-number in $t3
这里有云不使用逻辑运算符的解决方案。 然而,这只是一个黑客:
li $t0,0x12345678 # number to be converted supposed to be in $t0
swl $t0, scratch+3
lwl $t1, scratch # Load MSB in LSB
lwr $t1, scratch+3 # Load LSB in MSB
swl $t0, scratch+2
lwr $t2, scratch # Swap second and
lwl $t2, scratch+1 # third bytes
sw $zero, scratch
lwl $t2, scratch # Leave MSB and LSB in zero
lwr $t2, scratch+3
addu $t3, $t1, $t2 # Add partial results to get final result
.data 0x2000 # Where to locate scratch space (4 bytes)
.space 4
。 它还使用4个字节的存储器(位于scratch