What i want to do is dynamically add Tabs to a QTabWidget , where each tab is containing either a listView , TableView or some widget and assign them to a model which will control the data to be displayed. The number of Tabs is decided by the number of outputs of another function and the data decides what type of view the tab is going to contain.
Now the problem that i am facing is that how do i put the view in the tab dynamically during execution .
You can add pages dynamically using addTab
. Have a look at the QTabWidget reference documentation. Adding lists or tables is just a case of creating the widgets and adding them to the page.
Here's a quick example:
import sys, random
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
class TabContainer(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(TabContainer, self).__init__()
self.next_item_is_table = False
def initUI(self):
self.setGeometry( 150, 150, 650, 350)
self.tabwidget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self)
vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
self.pages = []
def create_page(self, *contents):
page = QtGui.QWidget()
vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
for c in contents:
return page
def create_table(self):
rows, columns = random.randint(2,5), random.randint(1,5)
table = QtGui.QTableWidget( rows, columns )
for r in xrange(rows):
for c in xrange(columns):
table.setItem( r, c, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem( str( random.randint(0,10) ) ) )
return table
def create_list(self):
list = QtGui.QListWidget()
columns = random.randint(2,5)
for c in xrange(columns):
QtGui.QListWidgetItem( str( random.randint(0,10) ), list )
return list
def create_new_page_button(self):
btn = QtGui.QPushButton('Create a new page!')
return btn
def add_page(self):
if self.next_item_is_table:
self.pages.append( self.create_page( self.create_table(), self.create_new_page_button() ) )
self.next_item_is_table = False
self.pages.append( self.create_page( self.create_list(), self.create_new_page_button() ) )
self.next_item_is_table = True
self.tabwidget.addTab( self.pages[-1] , 'Page %s' % len(self.pages) )
self.tabwidget.setCurrentIndex( len(self.pages)-1 )
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = TabContainer()