How to display a XML document in a HTML page as a collapsible and expandable tree?
I'd like to display a XML document inside a HTML page as a nicely pretty printed tree structure. I'd like to be able to expand and collapse tree branches. For example Firefox browser does this when you load a plain XML file. I am looking how to do this in client-side with JavaScript.
Creating An XML Viewer With JScript - Exsead XML Power Scripting
Display XML Files with Javascript
There seems to be a better and easier-to-use alternative than what I listed above many years ago:
Hope they help. Here you can find a bunch of js libs with solutions
This library does all the work for you:
var js = (new XML.ObjTree).parse("<?xml version="1.0"?><response><error>0</error></response>");
Then you have a JavaScript tree and you can display it however you want. You might want to try the YAHOO.widget.TreeView module for that it will create a "expandable and collapsible tree." That is if you like the YUI library, other wise there is Dojo and Ext libraries that can create a treeview for you.
If you are using ASP.NET application then there is no need for client side functionality. You can use the below specified method:-
//Populate the below varaible value from your business logic
string xmlContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"><root><emp><name>name 1</name></emp><emp><name>name 2</name></emp></root>";
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; //Set the contenttype to text/xml so the browser automatically recognises and displays it in the hierarchical structure
Hi just add this to the header of your page.
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<xml/>');
for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; ++$i) {
$track = $xml->addChild('track');
$track->addChild('path', "song$i.mp3");
$track->addChild('title', "Track $i - Track Title");