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Hide div after a few seconds
8 answers
I don't know how to achieve that display: none
works not immediately.
I need #popUpBox to disappear after a few seconds.
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
jQuery(function($) {
var $txt = '';
$('.selectiontext').bind("mouseup", function(e){
if (window.getSelection){
$txt = window.getSelection();
else if (document.getSelection){
$txt = document.getSelection();
else if (document.selection){
$txt = document.selection.createRange().text;
else return;
if ($txt!=''){
$('#popUpBox').css({'display':'block', 'left':e.pageX+5+'px', 'top':e.pageY+0+'px'});
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
Unfortunately, when i select text, now always #popUpBox disappears and i need only when selection is disabled
The following code will hide the div after 2 seconds
If you want animation, you can use fadeOut method as well
Try to use the setTimeout function.
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
}, *time you want(int)*);
Edit : To your new question
Add a if statement when selection is disabled. Here :
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
*if statement*
setTimeout(function() { (...)
Because it's bound to the entire document, it will always hide the box without any condition.
Try this if you want the function to trigger a few seconds after the mousedown
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
Readup on setTimeout here and here. Basically, setTimeout()
allows you to pass a function and then an interval (in milliseconds) to wait before executing that function.
Edit (for update): To only have this happen when there is no selection, try:
$(document).bind("mousedown", function(){
if (!window.getSelection) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);