
Android stock browser on Xperia Z does not render

2019-09-18 06:42发布


I have an HTML page which is displayed correctly in all devices and all browser except the stock Android browser in Xperia Z.

On this particular device running Android 4.2.2, I am using jQuery v1.7.2, and using $('div').slideUp and $('div').slideDown methods only, and it results in text distortion (it is in English, so I suppose it is not related to any specific font), the text appears as horizontal lines as they would appear for a fraction of a second while sliding up/ down.

I have tried turning the debug mode ON by about:debug in the stock browser, and the javascript console shows no error/ warning messages.

I tried changing the user agent string to iPhone, and to my surprise, the text is rendered as expected.

I have searched for similar issue, and came across Android stock browser crashing, it points to jQuery bug where slideUp/ slideDown have problems in Android stock browser (please note that jQuery and Android versions are different in the reported bug).

My questions are:

  1. Is this a known issue?
  2. Has anyone faced similar problem before?
  3. Is there a workaround to resolve it?

I'd really appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction.