I'm basically trying to play a video on Axwindowsmediaplayer from my resources, so it could be seen from other computers besides mine (just taking it from my Resources). And I came up with this.
Dim b As Byte() = My.Resources.My_Video
Dim TheFIlePath As String = "My Video.mp4"
Dim TempFile As System.IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(TheFIlePath)
TempFile.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
Me.AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = (TheFIlePath)
Is there anyway to avoid creating - spawning my video on my Filepath? Or at least mask it? Like it appears as a DLL or SRT file but anything besides the .MP4
? Even hiding it, dunno just don't let it lie there as a simple .MP4