I'm using Rails 3.1. I'm trying to figure this out, and to my surprise, it is starting to seem that rails does not come with this method at all. Maybe im wrong.
Can anyone show how I can get a full absolute URL to an image?
I use asset_path(image.png)
which gives me the relative path to use within the app. I tried doing a root_url + asset_path(image.png)
but that just gives me a http://localhost:3000//assets/image.png
with the double slashes
Anyone have an efficient way of doing this?
See the Using asset hosts section in the documentation. You need to specify an asset_host
. You can also construct it dynamically from the request chaining "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"
put this in application_helper.rb
def asset_url asset
then you can use asset_url
in your views.
For Rails 4, and maybe earlier, use:
config.action_mailer.asset_host = 'https://assets.com'
per https://github.com/fphilipe/premailer-rails/issues/16
In my config/environments/*.rb
I already have this tailored for each environment:
config.domain = 'mysite.dev'
So it was a simple matter of adding
config.action_controller.asset_host = "http://" + config.domain
to each file. Then asset_path
will miraculously behave as if it were asset_url
Example folder structure.
If you want to generate absolute flag image path we can add in to our ApplicationHelper two methods:
module ApplicationHelper
# Generate flag path by locale
# - locale. Can be "en", "it", etc.
# - flag_size. Will be used to set folder size. Folder size can be "32x32", "256x256".
# Return flag image path. Path will absolute
def generate_flag_path_by_locale(locale, folder_size = "32")
folder = "#{flag_size}x#{flag_size}"
domain_absolute_path = generate_domain_absolute_path
flag_path = ("#{domain_absolute_path}/assets/flags/#{folder}/#{locale}.png")
return flag_path
# Generate domain absolute path
def generate_domain_absolute_path
request_protocol = request.protocol
request_host_with_port = request.host_with_port
domain_absolute_path = request_protocol + request_host_with_port
return domain_absolute_path
Into our apps/view/products.html.erb. We must to call only:
<% flag_path = generate_flag_path_by_locale("en") %>
Final result:
Could you just do:
root_url[0..-2] + asset_path(image.png)
...to trim the trailing slash in the root url?
You need to use 'asset_url' instead *asset_path*.
Bcz '_path' always return relative path and '_url' will return absolute url.