I am writing an application that has to react to system wide keypresses on Mac OS X.
So I found some key logger examples that should work and hit a wall, because all examples are based on NSSharedApplication() and PyObjC AppHelper.runEventLoop() while my application is written in wxPython.
Here I post a modification of the simplest example from https://github.com/ljos that I thought it should work. But it does not.
from AppKit import *
import wx
class AppDelegate(NSObject):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, aNotification):
NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask_handler_(NSKeyDownMask, handler)
def handler(event):
print (u"%@", event)
app = wx.App()
delegate = AppDelegate.alloc().init()
It is obvious that the MainLoop() doesn't catch the delegated NSEvents.
After app = wx.App() the NSApp() is returned correctly. So why doesn't this work? How do I make it work?