So I'm unexpectedly receiving a FileNotFoundException. As you can see, shortly before I call the FileReader, I call FileInputStream which works fine. I've tried putting the FileReader in its own Try/Catch clause, but receive the same result. I've gutted most of the lines unnecessary to my question from this block. (Ultimately I call LineNumberReader as well, though I removed it from the block because I'm not even getting that far.)
String FILENAME = "file.txt";
try {
byte[] buffer = new byte[128];
String toStr = new String();
TextView view = (TextView)findViewById(;
FileInputStream fis = openFileInput(FILENAME); /////File is found successfully here/////;
toStr = new String(buffer);
FileReader fr = new FileReader(FILENAME); /////FileNotFoundExceptionThrownHere/////
/////do stuff here/////
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
TextView view = (TextView)findViewById(;
view.append("file not found!");
catch (IOException e) {
TextView view = (TextView)findViewById(;
view.append("IO error!");
Also, please keep in mind when answering that I'm still somewhat of a novice when it comes to java. I have experience in a couple other languages but java is a bit of a different breed of monster to me. Any help would be tremendously appreciated!