Hi all and thanks for the answers,
Firstly, I tried to find the answer to my problem but I did not find anything.
I have a tree of folders and sub-folders and I want to use 7zip to compress the files within those folders separately.
I have got this piece of code from this very website, it does what I want to get but it places the compressed files on the main folder:
set extension=.*
for /R %%a in (*%extension%) do "%sevenzip%" a -mx "%%~na.zip" "%%a"
I wonder if I can get a zip file of every file and have it in the sub-folder containing the source file. Or doing the process above and place every zip file inside the appropriate sub-folder.
I tried with a double 'For /d' but I was unable to get it:
cd /d %~dp0
rem 7z.exe path
set sevenzip=
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe" set
if "%sevenzip%"=="" if exist "%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe" set
if "%sevenzip%"=="" echo 7-zip not found&pause&exit
for /D %%O in (*) do (
for /R %%I in ("%%O\*") do (
"%sevenzip%" a -mx "%%~na.zip" "%%a"
:: rd /s /q "%%I" **Because I do not want to delete anything by now.
Again, thank you.