I am trying to a read JSON file containing contact info objects consisting of NSString types and NSMutableArrays. Currently, I am using NSData to read the whole file and then parsing through it. I have utilised Stig's example as mentioned here: SBJson4Parser Example
SBJson4ValueBlock block = ^(id obj, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"Found: %@", @([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]));
//contactsData *contact = obj;
NSDictionary *contact = obj;
NSLog(@"Contact: %@",contact);
/* NSString *fName, *lName;
fName = [contact objectForKey:@"mFirstName"];
lName = [contact objectForKey:@"mLastName"];
NSLog(@"First Name: %@",fName);
NSLog(@"Last Name: %@",lName);
SBJson4ErrorBlock eh = ^(NSError* err){
NSLog(@"Oops: %@",error);
NSLog(@"Parse work");
id parser = [SBJson4Parser multiRootParserWithBlock:block
//uint8_t buf[1024];
//unsigned int len = 0;
NSLog(@"Trying to push stream to data");
//[inputStream read:buf maxLength:len];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath options:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
//id data = [json da:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
SBJson4ParserStatus status = [parser parse:data];
NSLog(@"Status: %u",status);
These days people seem to have hundreds or even thousands of contacts, thanks to social networks. Will this lead to a larger memory footprint on an iOS device ? If so, how do I parse a single object from a stream ? If I have to use a delegate, an example would be greatly appreciated.
Please note that I am new to the world of iOS development as well as Objective-C.
The structure of the json file in question:
"mAddresses": [
"mContactPhoto": "",
"mDisplayName": ",tarun,,,,israni,,",
"mPhoneNumberList": [
"mLabel": "_$!<Home>!$_",
"mNumber": "(988) 034-5678",
"mType": 1
"mAddresses": [
"mContactPhoto": "",
"mDisplayName": ",Sumit,,,,Kumar,,",
"mPhoneNumberList": [
"mLabel": "_$!<Home>!$_",
"mNumber": "(789) 034-5123",
"mType": 1