I have an JSON array, that i manipulate inside my app,
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
val = link + val;
foto = val;
foto = foto.substr(0, foto.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".jpg";
/* Visualizza */
var elem = document.getElementById("archivio-num");
elem.innerHTML = '<a href="#"><img src="' + foto + '"></a>';
elem.firstChild.onclick = function() {
cordova.exec("ChildBrowserCommand.showWebPage", val);
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + elem.innerHTML + '</li>');
Now i'm trying to push all elements outside that are packed inside var elem.
Puttin only + elem + give me an error [objectHTMLDivElement].
Is that possible?
Exploiting jQuery further, you might want to try something like this :
var $ul = $("<ul/>");//jQuery object containing a dummy UL element in which to accumulate LI elements.
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
var url = link + val;
var foto = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".jpg";
var $a = $('<a/>').attr('href',url).append($("<img/>").attr('src',foto)).on('click', function() {
cordova.exec("ChildBrowserCommand.showWebPage", $(this).attr('href'));
return false;
Here, instead of accumulating the HTML in an array, actual LI elements are accumulated in a jQuery-wrapped UL element, which is available for further treatment (eg. insertion into the DOM) later in the code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getJSON('http://www..../json.php', function(data) {
var items = [];
var url;
var foto;
var link = 'http://www.bla.com/';
var $div = $("<div/>");
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
url = link + val;
foto = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".jpg";
var $a = $('<a>').attr('href',url).append($("<img/>").attr('src',foto)).on('click',function(){
cordova.exec("ChildBrowserCommand.showWebPage", $(this).attr('href'));
return false;