I have used one parent table that is table_body. One child table that is sub_table(as i would like to place this sub_table inside a PdfPCell in the parent table. ). I want to draw a line when a row is complete for the parent table as per my requirement. But, the issue is bottomborder for the subtable and for the general pdfPcell 'body_cell_bottomBorder' is not getting aligned in a single straight line.
PdfPTable table_body = new PdfPTable(2); // main table
table_body.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); // set border to none
table_body.setWidths(new float[] {3.0f,1.0f,});
PdfPTable sub_table = new PdfPTable(1); // sub table
sub_table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); // set border to none
body_cell_bottomBorder.setPhrase(new Phrase("Example",font_body)); // this cell has the bottom border only
Image image = Image.getInstance(BarCode.createBarcode("example"));
body_cell = new PdfPCell(image, true); // this cell has no border at all
sub_table.addCell(body_cell); // added one row in the sub table
sub_table.addCell(body_cell_bottomBorder); // added second row in the sub table and also want a bottom border
table_body.addCell(sub_table); // added subtable into the parent table pdfpcell
body_cell_bottomBorder.setPhrase(new Phrase(RPL,font_body)); // now adding second column value in parent table pdfPcell and want a bottom border only
table_body.addCell(body_cell_bottomBorder); // added to the parent table
Problem is these two cells of parent table do not make a complete single straight line which i want.