I am currently using this site http://ostermiller.org/calc/encode.html
to decode code like.
to http://h.mysite.com/007/YRM-CD-9
by using URL Decode on that decoding site.
I was wondering if this can be done via Notepad++.
In Notepad++ under Plugins => MIME Tools you will find URL Encode and URL Decode.
Thanks to PiLHA.
- Download the jN plugin.
- Place files from Zip to Plugin folder of Notepad++ in
C:\Programs Files\Notepad++\plugins
- Save Code below as
and save it to C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\jN\includes
- Restart Notepad++.
var URLDecoderEncoder = Editor.addMenu('URL-Encoding/Decoding');
text: 'Encode',
cmd: function() {
var unencoded = Editor.currentView.text;
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(unencoded);
Editor.currentView.text = encoded;
text: 'Decode',
cmd: function() {
var encoded = Editor.currentView.text;
var unencoded = decodeURIComponent(encoded);
Editor.currentView.text = unencoded;
text: 'Decode multi-pass (7x)',
cmd: function() {
var encoded = Editor.currentView.text;
var unencoded_pass1 = decodeURIComponent(encoded);
var unencoded_pass2 = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass1);
var unencoded_pass3 = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass2);
var unencoded_pass4 = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass3);
var unencoded_pass5 = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass4);
var unencoded_pass6 = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass5);
var unencoded = decodeURIComponent(unencoded_pass6);
Editor.currentView.text = unencoded;