char names [MAX_CLASS_SIZE][MAX_NAME_SIZE+1]={"Julias Hoffman","Dianne Conner","Mitchell Cooper","Johnnie Greene","Johanna Mason","Kevin Adkins","Brandi Spencer","Marian Tyler","Chester Cross","Martin Lawrence","Jane Smith","Sara Jones"};
char specificName[]="";
int search(char names[][MAX_NAME_SIZE+1],char specificName[])
if (strcmp(names[i],specificName)==0)
printf("Found %s",names[i]);
return i;
This function receives an array of strings, called name and an
array of characters that represents a specific name. This
function searches through the array name for the specific name
and returns the index of the specific name if it is found, -1 if
it is not found.
Couldnt get the arrays to format properly my apologies. In main I ask the user for a name and store it in the specificName char array. Then in the search function I am attempting to search the array of names for the user given name and return a certain value based on if the name is found. I have included the necessary libraries. I am trying to do this using strcmp but it does not seem to work properly. Any help is greatly appreciated!
You could try the following approach:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int search(char **names,char *specificName, size_t length){
size_t i,found=0;
if (strcmp(*(names + i),specificName)==0){
found = 1;
return found == 1 ? 0 : 1;
int main(void) {
size_t length;
char specificName[100];
char *names[12]={"Julias Hoffman","Dianne Conner","Mitchell Cooper","Johnnie Greene",
"Johanna Mason","Kevin Adkins","Brandi Spencer","Marian Tyler",
"Chester Cross","Martin Lawrence","Jane Smith","Sara Jones"};
length = sizeof names / sizeof *(names + 0);
printf("Type a name to be searched:> ");
if( fgets (specificName, 100, stdin) == NULL){
specificName[strcspn(specificName, "\n")] = 0;
if((search(names,specificName,length)) == 0){
printf("Found %s",specificName);
printf("There was no Record Found.\n");
return 0;
Type a name to be searched:> Sara Jones
Found Sara Jones
Took a quick look and it seems to work fine. Your i needs to be declared as an int but otherwise, the following works:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_CLASS_SIZE 100
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 100
int strcmp(const char *, const char *);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char names [MAX_CLASS_SIZE][MAX_NAME_SIZE+1]={"Julias Hoffman","Dianne Conner","Mitchell Cooper","Johnnie Greene","Johanna Mason","Kevin Adkins","Brandi Spencer","Marian Tyler","Chester Cross","Martin Lawrence","Jane Smith","Sara Jones"};
char specificName[]="Brandi Spencer";
int search(char names[][MAX_NAME_SIZE+1],char specificName[]);
for(int i=0;i<MAX_CLASS_SIZE;i++){
if (strcmp(names[i],specificName)==0){
printf("Found %s",names[i]);
return i;
return 0;
Found Brandi Spencer
My guess would be is that you are not passing the user input correctly. Check specificName[] prior to strcmp().