是否有一个良好的jQuery插件的隐藏效果,看起来像在Windows窗口最小化(Is there a

2019-09-17 19:30发布

正如标题状态,是否有一个jQuery插件效果,让我隐藏的div的方式,洛斯像Windows是如何做的? 因此,格将移动,缩小,并成为透明的屏幕上的某个点。 这里有一个例子: http://fstoke.me/jquery/window/这差不多就是我要找的只是我不认为这可能只是使用效果。

Answer 1:

You can use jQuery's .animate() method. What you need for the effect is to change is:

  • width of the window
  • height of the window
  • top position
  • left position

like this:

    top: $(window).height(), // to force the window to minimize at the bottom corner
    left: 0,
    width: '20px',
    height: 0

Here is a jsFiddle example with jQueryUI dialog that I've just made. And this is without jQueryUI.

edit: You can also add transparency if you like to e.g. opacity: 0.3

文章来源: Is there a good jQuery plugin for a hide effect that looks like minimizing windows in Windows