I want to know if it's possible to do something like this:
I've been looking for a solution but without results. The idea is to change the lines encoded of an html file to his decoded line, for example:
<img src="/path/to/images/image.gif">
I know maybe I should parse the code to detect the lines with img src tag and then decode the ** marked part of these lines **, but I don't know how to do it during the readfile.
Thanks in advance.
Just as @mario said, I'm testing his code:
$newhtml = file_get_contents('newhtml.html');
function data_to_img($match) {
list(, $img, $type, $base64, $end) = $match;
$bin = base64_decode($base64);
$md5 = md5($bin); // generate a new temporary filename
$fn = "$md5.$type";
file_exists($fn) or file_put_contents($fn, $bin);
return "$img$fn$end"; // new <img> tag
If I try to echo:
echo preg_replace_callbak('#(<img[^>]+src=")data:image/(gif|png|jpeg);base64,([\w=+/]+)("[^>]*>)#', "data_to_img", $content);
And it worked with the html example above!! Now I'm trying with my real html file. I noticed that the img src are longer than the example that I've provided. Real example of img src that I have is too long to paste here, so please second button mouse click on the dog image and image information to see the base64 code. Thanks a lot!!
html file with base64 images
UPDATE: Hope this guy had the same problem with base64 large codification and regex
Link to the similiar problem
UPDATE2: Mario solved my problem, thank you very much man. Here's the code and regex for preg_replace_callback:
echo preg_replace_callback('#(<img\s(?>(?!src=)[^>])*?src=")data:image/(gif|png|jpeg);base64,([\w=+/]++)("[^>]*>)#', "data_to_img", $content);