我点= [X,Y,Z],并要绘制最佳拟合线。
% LS3DLINE.M Least-squares line in 3 dimensions.
% Version 1.0
% Last amended I M Smith 27 May 2002.
% Created I M Smith 08 Mar 2002
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input
% X Array [x y z] where x = vector of x-coordinates,
% y = vector of y-coordinates and z = vector of
% z-coordinates.
% Dimension: m x 3.
% Output
% x0 Centroid of the data = point on the best-fit line.
% Dimension: 3 x 1.
% a Direction cosines of the best-fit line.
% Dimension: 3 x 1.
% <Optional...
% d Residuals.
% Dimension: m x 1.
% normd Norm of residual errors.
% Dimension: 1 x 1.
% ...>
% [x0, a <, d, normd >] = ls3dline(X)
我有一个。 所以公式可能
其中DIST是分钟。 从origon距离。