Apple has a nice explanation of Type (Class) Methods Here.
However, their example looks like this:
class SomeClass {
class func someTypeMethod() {
// type method implementation goes here
I see this exact same example parroted everywhere.
However, I need to call my Type Method from within an instance of my class, and that don't seem to compute.
I MUST be doing something wrong, but I noticed that Apple does not yet support Class Properties :(. I am wondering if I am going to a drywell for water.
Here is what I have tried (in a playground):
class ClassA
class func staticMethod() -> String { return "STATIC" }
func dynamicMethod() -> String { return "DYNAMIC" }
func callBoth() -> ( dynamicRet:String, staticRet:String )
var dynamicRet:String = self.dynamicMethod()
var staticRet:String = ""
// staticRet = self.class.staticMethod() // Nope
// staticRet = class.staticMethod() // No way, Jose
// staticRet = ClassA.staticMethod(self) // Uh-uh
// staticRet = ClassA.staticMethod(ClassA()) // Nah
// staticRet = self.staticMethod() // You is lame
// staticRet = .staticMethod() // You're kidding, right?
// staticRet = this.staticMethod() // What, are you making this crap up?
// staticRet = staticMethod() // FAIL
return ( dynamicRet:dynamicRet, staticRet:staticRet )
let instance:ClassA = ClassA()
let test:( dynamicRet:String, staticRet:String ) = instance.callBoth()
Does anyone have a clue for me?