I installed the acts_as_votable gem, it works in the console like it should (like it says in the documentation).
So my question is how to set up a form for upvote and downvote buttons? or can they simply be links?
here is the documentation: github.com/ryanto/acts_as_votable/blob/master/README.markdown
I have a user and a picture model; the user is supposed to be able to like the picture.
code from the picture view, where the buttons should be:
<% for picture in @pictures %>
<%= image_tag picture.image_url(:thumb).to_s %>
<%= picture.created_at.strftime("%a, %d %b. %Y") %>, by
<%= link_to picture.user.name, picture.user %>
<h2> <%= link_to picture.name, picture %></h2>
[buttons here]
<%= picture.votes.size %> <% end %>
thanks in advance!
One way to do this is to add your own controller actions for up- and downvotes.
I'm assuming you have a current_user
method available in your controller.
# pictures_controller.rb
def upvote
@picture = Picture.find(params[:id])
@picture.liked_by current_user
redirect_to @picture
def downvote
@picture = Picture.find(params[:id])
@picture.downvote_from current_user
redirect_to @picture
# config/routes.rb
resources :pictures do
member do
put "like", to: "pictures#upvote"
put "dislike", to: "pictures#downvote"
# some view
<%= link_to "Upvote", like_picture_path(@picture), method: :put %>
<%= link_to "Downvote", dislike_picture_path(@picture), method: :put %>
Here's how I ended up doing it with the acts_as_commentable gem too. So I think this should work with any object that you have comments for.
In my _comment.html.erb view
<%= link_to "Upvote", {:controller =>"comments", :action => "upvote", :id => comment.id}, :class => 'btn', method: :put %>
<%= link_to "Downvote", {:controller =>"comments", :action => "downvote", :id => comment.id}, :class => 'btn', method: :put %>
in my routes.rb file
put '/comments/:id/:action' => 'comments#upvote'
put '/comments/:id/:action' => 'comments#downvote'
Then in my comments controller
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :load_commentable
before_filter :find_comment, :only => [:upvote, :downvote]
def upvote
current_user.upvotes @comment
def downvote
@comment.downvote_from current_user
def load_commentable
resource, id = request.path.split('/')[1, 2]
@commentable = resource.singularize.classify.constantize.find(id)
def find_comment
@comment = Comment.find(@commentable.id)
The before filters allow for more versatility so I can add this to any commentable object. Mine happened to be festivals, but you could do pictures or anything really. Check out the acts_as_commentable documentation and the polymorphic railscast for more information on that. This is my first post so if this is terrible code, just tell me.