I want to write an application which sorts randomly line of text which I copy from a source and paste into RichTextBox area.
However, there is one condition - text is formatted (some words are in bold, underline etc.). So any suggestions? How should it look like?
I think I should use RichTextBox.Rtf
or something but I am really a beginner and I appreciate every hint or example code.
It is a bit tricky. You can retrieve the formatted RTF text lines like this
string[] rtfLines = new string[richTextBox1.Lines.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < rtfLines.Length; i++) {
int start = richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(i);
int length = richTextBox1.Lines[i].Length;
richTextBox1.Select(start, length);
rtfLines[i] = richTextBox1.SelectedRtf;
Now you can shuffle the lines like this
var random = new Random();
rtfLines = rtfLines.OrderBy(s => random.NextDouble()).ToArray();
Clear the RichtTextBox
richTextBox1.Text = "";
Inserting the lines is best done in reverse order because it is easier to select the beginning of the text
// Insert the line which will be the last line.
richTextBox1.Select(0, 0);
richTextBox1.SelectedRtf = rtfLines[0];
// Prepend the other lines and add a line break.
for (int i = 1; i < rtfLines.Length; i++) {
richTextBox1.Select(0, 0);
// Replace the ending "}\r\n" with "\\par }\r\n". "\\par" is a line break.
richTextBox1.SelectedRtf =
rtfLines[i].Substring(0, rtfLines[i].Length - 3) + "\\par }\r\n";
The task seems not complicated(if I understand it correctly).
Get your clipboard into string then parse into array- use Split().
Then determine how many randon events you need and iterate through every word ; generate random number for each iteration(which should match the amount of events), intersect that number with one of the events and apply that case to that particular word. Maybe not the most efficient way to do it, but that's what comes to my mind