I have successfully opened a file and have the file descriptor (7) stored in FILE, and I also have the size of the file (153kb) stored in SIZE. That being said, this mmap system call returns a -14. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
push %esi #Save non-general-purpose registers
push %edi #Save non-general-purpose registers
push %ebp #Save non-general-purpose registers
movl FILE, %edi #Move file descriptor into edi
movl $0, %ebp #Offset to 0
movl $0x2, %esi #MAP_PRIVATE
movl $0x3, %edx #PROT_READ
movl FSIZE, %ecx #File length
movl $0, %ebx # *addr = NULL
movl $90, %eax #mmap Sys Call
int $0x80 #Call kernel
test %eax, %eax #Error check
js _error