This is a continuation of this question, refocused after some debugging on Spring Web Flow and the processing of events in Spring Web Flow.
I've got a problem with Spring Web Flow and Internet Explorer 7, and also IE 11 in "compatibility mode." I've verified this problem, I just don't know how to fix it.
I have a Web Flow form with multiple buttons on it which are all wired using a Javascript onclick() handler because they're all type='button'
and not type='submit'
<button id="addCurrentAccount" name="_eventId_addCurrentAccount" type="button" value="addCurrentAccount" class="buttonActivity add">
<span>Add Current Account</span>
This is what is supposed to happen: Depending on the button that is clicked, different Web Flow events are fired when the form is submitted. For example, a button marked "Delete Account" should fire an event named "_eventId_deleteAccount". A button marked "Create Account" should fire an event named "_eventId_createAccount".
This works on IE 8 through 11, Chrome and Firefox. However, on IE 7 and on IE 11 in "compatibility mode", every button on the page is submitted along with the form. This means that the form comes in with several "_eventId_xxx" request parameters, and since the first one is always "_eventId_createAccount", every button on the page creates another account on the form.
Is there a simple fix for this? (And, no, "don't use Web Flow" or "don't use IE 7" are not options, unfortunately.)