I am working with JqueryUI Autocomplete, what I want to do is to prevent JqueryUI autocomplete to make call on every keypress. Everything is working in perfect manner. I have bind the textfield with autocomplete but on every key press it make the call. How can i prevent call on specific keys ? e.g i want to prevent the call on arrow keys. Here is my code in Coffee.
source: (request, response) ->
if request.term.length < 1
url: "http://ws.geonames.org/searchJSON?country=US&lang=en&username=awais545"
dataType: "jsonp"
maxRows: 10
name_startsWith: request.term
success: (data) ->
rows = new Array()
data = data.geonames
i = 0
while i < data.length
rows[i] =
value: data[i].name
country_code: data[i].adminCode1
$("#location-search").parent().find(".pen-dropdown ul").html("")
if $("#location-search").parent().find(".header-loaction").length > 0
$("#location-search").parent().find(".pen-dropdown ul").append("<li><a href='#'> All Area </a></li>")
for row, i in rows
$("#location-search").parent().find(".pen-dropdown ul").append("<li><a href='#'> #{row['value']}, #{row['country_code']} </a></li>")
window.dropdownli = $(".pen-dropdown li")
window.dropdownliSelected = undefined
for li in $("#location-search").parent().find(".pen-dropdown ul li")