I need assistance (new student - 2 weeks). I'd like to get the most minimal changes possible to this code that allows a user 3 chances at typing in the incorrect values for each conversion in the program. After typing in an incorrect value 3 times, the program should terminate. The only requirement is that the code must contain a FOR loop. I don't know if it requires one FOR loop or 3 FOR loops (one for each conversion). I've tried so many scenarios and can't seem to get it right.
Thank you !!!!
miles = float(input('Type miles to be converted to km.\n'))
if miles >= 0:
milesToKm = miles * 1.6
print (miles, 'miles is', format(milesToKm, ',.1f'), 'kilometers.\n')
inch = float(input('Give me inches to convert to cm.\n'))
if inch >=0:
inchesToCm = inch * 2.54
print (inch, 'inches is', format(inchesToCm, '.2f'), 'centimeters.\n')
temp = float(input('Give me a Fahrenheit temp to convert to Celsius.\n'))
if temp <= 1000:
celsius = (temp - 32) * (5/9)
print (temp, 'degrees Fahrenheit is', format (celsius, '.1f'), 'Celsius.\n')
print ('Wrong input, too high.\n')
print ('Wrong input, no negatives.\n')
print ('Wrong input, no negatives.\n')
One scenario I've tried but don't know how to incorporate the next conversion or get it just right.
count = 0
max = 1
for count in range (0, max):
miles = float (input('Type miles to convert to kilometers?\n'))
if miles >=0:
max = 1
milesToKm = miles * 1.6
print (miles, 'miles is', format(milesToKm, ',.1f'), 'kilometers.\n')
inch = float(input('Give me inches to convert to cm.\n'))
if max < 3:
max = max + 1
print ('Please use a non-negative number, try again.')
Thank you ! I modified what you listed into the format that I would need based on what we've learned so far. (We haven't learned sys.exit or breaks yet.) I also had to insert a count = 3 in the inner most loop as the pgm still wanted to run 3 times even with valid input. I know this is using a While loop. But is there a way to still do this as a 'For' Loop? Or is that not possible? (Hopefully the alignment below is good as I modified it in notepad.)
count = 0
while count < 3:
miles = float(input('Type miles to be converted to km.\n'))
if miles >= 0:
milesToKm = miles * 1.6
print (miles, 'miles is', format(milesToKm, ',.1f'), 'kilometers.\n')
count = 0:
while count < 3:
inch = float(input('Give me inches to convert to cm.\n'))
if inch >=0:
inchesToCm = inch * 2.54
print (inch, 'inches is', format(inchesToCm, '.2f'), 'centimeters.\n')
count = 0:
while count < 3:
temp = float(input('Give me a Fahrenheit temp to convert to Celsius.\n'))
if temp <= 1000:
celsius = (temp - 32) * (5/9)
print (temp, 'degrees Fahrenheit is', format (celsius, '.1f'), 'Celsius.\n')
count = 3
print ('Wrong input, too high.\n')
print ('Wrong input, no negatives.\n')
count +=1
print ('Wrong input, no negatives.\n')
count +=1